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      • 投稿等太久如何催编辑 附稿信模板

      • 战友吐槽:经历过一次投稿后,平均每个月写一封邮件给杂志社,但是得到的回复均是再等等,还在审稿。从此之后,我决定下次再也不投这么慢的杂志了,从源头上避免漫长的审稿周期。但是,已经在坑里的小伙伴,就只能和我一样苦逼地写催稿信。今天我们来探讨下什么时候能写催稿信,怎么写?
      • 有一些小伙伴吐槽:一催稿就拒稿。
      • 如战友曾吐槽:确实存在这种情况,我投过一本杂志,审稿意见是大修,返修回复后石沉大海,只能写邮件催杂志社,当天就收到了拒稿信,在我的据理力争下得到了再次送审的机会,这一次我再也不敢催稿了,于是等啊等,等到返修的机会,再次返修后又是等啊等,第二次仍旧是拒稿,一来一去10个月过去了,相当苦逼。所以,从我的经验来看,不好的文章,不管催不催都会被拒稿,所以….没啥好怕的,该催稿时就催稿吧。
      • 什么时候催稿?
      • 先调查一下目标期刊的审稿周期,
      • 有三种方式:1、查询网络上大家的投稿经验;2、查询目标期刊的网站;3、查看已发表的论文是否有注明论文的投稿日期和接受日期,从而计算平均审稿周期。如果超出了平均审稿周期,那么我们可以开始催
      • 怎么写催稿信?
      • 在这里给大家整理了一些模板,这些模板的特点都简单明了。很多人在催稿时会写上理由,比如毕业时间要求、职称时间要求、项目结题等,我曾经也这样balabala过,实践证明,杂志社根本不鸟这些。他们只会在邮件里面找以下信息:稿件号,投稿时间,文章标题。
      • 模板一
      • Dear Editor XXX,
      • I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you (again) to inquire about the status of my (revised) manuscript (title of your paper or paper ID), which was submitted XX months ago. I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for me.
      • Best regards.
      • Your name XXX
      • 模板二
      • Dear Mr./Ms. XXX [Editor’s Name],
      • I have submitted my manuscript titled XXXX [manuscript id] to your journal via the online submission system on dd/mm/yyyy [date of submission]. Two days later, the status changed to “with editor”. However, the status has remained unchanged ever since.
      • I would be grateful if you could let me know whether there has been any further progress on my submission.
      • Sincerely,
      • XXXX [Your name and contact details]
      • 模板三
      • Dear Prof. XXX:
      • Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (paper ID), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?
      • Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (paper ID), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?
      • Yours sincerely,
      • Corresponding authorXXX
      • 喜欢请点击分享吧,最后祝大家科研顺利。

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